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Almost Complete 90%

This Course is 100% Online to Learn and Implement at Your Own Pace

Only $197

 Get into Divine Alignment where miracles flow freely andeffortlessly through you into the realm of earth.

You were created to be miraculous!

  • Discover the life of Christ flowing through you as you “reckon yourself dead,” so you will have absolutely no trouble being miraculous!

  • Learn that you are literally one with God, and how to grow into the fullness of that reality. You will also learn about the limitless possibilities that flow from your union with Him.

  • Assess exactly where you are on your “maturity map.” You will learn how to cooperate with God, the perfect Father, in your maturation process.

  • Practice the law of co-creation, which is the pathway for manifesting miracles.

  • © 2023 Virginia Killingsworth, LLC - Build It Business Services

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